KIRC Executive Director Mike Naho‘opi‘i and Public Information Specialist Kelly McHugh spent the day with the 7th grade class of Punahou School yesterday during a follow-up visit to hear student’s solutions to Kaho‘olawe’s most pressing challenges.
Over several weeks in January and February 2014, Junior School faculty Jeanne Lindgren, Demetra Kaulukukui, Todd Chow-Hoy and Ke‘alohi Reppun co-integrated an inquiry-based study of Kaho‘olawe into the science, math, English and social studies classes to "use the students' talents to create practical solutions to revitalize Kaho‘olawe."
Student groups presented five-minute proposals to KIRC staff and others offering specific ways to solve problems faced by Kaho‘olawe today. In Chow-Hoy's math class, for example, students used their knowledge of geometry and proportions to create a large-scale model of Kaho‘olawe's topography. Across the hall, Lindgren's science students used litmus tests to gauge the pH of rainwater, and geology to inform their understanding of the erosion affecting Kaho‘olawe's topsoil. Meanwhile, Kaulukukui's English and Reppun's social studies classes focused on strengthening students' academic researching, writing and oral presentation skills, "different people contributed ideas to the project that I would not have thought of by myself. This made the final project better," remarked one student.
Sample projects:
Spinning wheel trivia game offering facts about restoration tactics, historical facts, and plans for the future of Kaho‘olawe. |
Puppet show educating the younger generation about the history and culture of Kaho‘olawe from the point of view of honu, seabirds and other fauna found in the Reserve. |
Minesweeper video game in which players can uncover Kaho‘olawe chants, stories, photos and more if they successfully navigate through unexploded ordnance boundaries. |
A puzzle of the island’s 'ili- or land boundaries composed of several watersheds that run from the island's central spine to the sea, educating the public about island geography. |
Share proceeds of “fun fact” coffee cozies and gelato sales (with flavors like “Hakioawa Guava” and “Red Velvet Run-Off”) to both raise awareness and provide funds for restoration projects on-island. |
Faculty will be selecting the top project ideas and inviting students to an volunteer access on Kaho‘olawe this coming June.